

lose an hour, gain an artwork

Auction Details:

You must register to bid. All it takes is an email address to register; once you sign up, you will receive an email message with your password to log in. After you're logged in and the auction has opened, you can place your bid on as many works as you wish. Each work has a minimum retail bid. If you are outbid by another bidder, you will receive an email notification and will then have the option to increase your bid by $25 or more. After the auction has closed at 6p on March 15, all winners will receive an email confirming victory.

Payment & Pick-Up:

After the auction has closed, we will contact you about payment. We must receive payment for the artwork by March 22, 7 days after the auction’s closure. All winners must pay using Paypal. If you live within Los Angeles, please arrange pick up of the artwork within 7 days after the auction.
If you live outside of Los Angeles and would like us to ship you the work, we will include shipping costs in our invoice to you and will ship out the artwork within 7 days after payment is received.

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Register To Bid

once registered you’ll receive an email with a secure password, but you’ll be able to bid immediately after registering.

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